The nasty Black Box Between Signup and Subscription MRR

Why Your Product Analytics Are Missing What Matters Most

Why product analytics is essential

In most digital products, there is a long gap between creating an account and starting a subscription. So we need to understand deeply what happens in between. This is product analytics.
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Why "how do people use our product" is the wrong question

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The better question: "How is my product performing?"

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Let's get rid of that black box

If you would like to learn how I approach product analytics that will help you understand your product performance and what impact features have, schedule a free call with me.
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About me

Learn why working with me is a better option than working with a data agency.

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Discovering lightbulb moments for 15 years

I work for these moments. We have all the relevant data and look at the metrics in context for the first time. We add a segment and boom— there is this one segment that outperforms everyone else. Now let's get more of them.

With 15 years of experience I am one of the leading experts for product analytics. I work with analytics companies like Amplitude, Mixpanel, Avo or Snowplow and feature in their content or panel discussions. To help people creating better data setups I have written the "Event Data Workbook" and publish hands-on implementation videos on my YouTube channel .

When you work with me you get my full attention and my expertise. I am not just showing up on the first sales call and then others take over. You work with me the whole time.


Timo Dechau, Deepskdata

"Whether you are starting from scratch or working with a 5-year-old tracking system, the course will guide you through a solid framework to approach your tracking design. I feel confident applying these principles in future companies or scenarios to create a business-oriented design with enough flexibility for product analytics."

Obed E. - Data Engineer, Vimeo

"Timo ran two event storming and metric tree workshops with NEUGELB to look at our existing tracking structure and give ideas what we could do better. I really enjoyed how he looked at it from a product perspective, showcasing how understanding the product or the feature would actually define the metric and tracking approach. What made the real difference for me was that product managers were part of the workshops, giving us a shared language to speak about metrics and tracking."

Eva Schreyer, Head of Data & Analytics, Neugelb

Amplitude for E-commerce, Step by Step.

Watch Timo Dechau’s masterclass in setting up digital analytics to understand your customer journey and convert and retain more shoppers.

Watch all five episodes here

Do you want to see how I work?

Check out this video from a series of videos I did on creating pro setups in Mixpanel.