Get started with Activity Schema

Add a new layer to your data model that will unlock a new category of insights by understanding the sequence of events.

A new category of insights

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A powerful extension of your existing data model

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My Activity Schema Kickstarter Package

  • 1

    Which questions should we answer in the future?

    In the initial session, we collect all questions and insights that are currently hard to achieve with the existing data model. Then we walk through your data model to understand how we can build the event data model on top of it.
    Step illustration
  • 2

    Initial setup and first events

    I will prepare an initial setup with 4-5 events aiming to answer 1-2 questions that we have collected. Ideally, we build this with dbt, but it is also possible to build it with different setups.
    Step illustration
  • 3

    Model your first events

    You will start to partly take over the development and add your first events, which we review together.
    Step illustration
  • 4

    Event analytics & temporal joins

    With the first set of events implemented, I will show you different applications with the new dataset: Temporal joins and working with event analytics tools
    Step illustration
  • 5

    4 weeks to finish

    Just after 3-4 weeks, you will have an initial setup that already enables you to provide new insights and a clear structure on how to extend it.
    Step illustration
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You want to add Activity Schema to your data stack?

Let's talk about your current situation and what you want to achieve.
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$0 Free call

$ per user

$0 Free call

  • ✓
    Free first call to understand your situation
  • ✓
    Complete setup in 4-6 weeks
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    Competitive all-inclusive package pricing